Home made flash diffuser review

After some events without a diffuser, I decided to buy one. It is nice to shoot with bouncing, but there are times when the ceiling is too high (or not convenient for bouncing). If you have time to make a setup with an umbrella and many lights (or flashes), then go that way. But many…


AI One Shot, AI Servo, AI Focus

Latest e-mail about photography was about these modes. On DSLR Canon cameras you can find three AF modes: One-Shot AF, AI Servo and AI Focus. What is the difference between them?Note: I will use term “focus button” – what button you use for focusing depends on your camera settings. You can use shutter button, *…


Izlet TNP v Nockberge

Planinska tura na Königstuhl (2336 m) v narodnem parku Nockberge. Izlet je bil pripravljen v organizaciji Triglavskega narodnega parka kot fotografska delavnica. Pobudnik in vodja izleta je bil Jože Mihelič, ki se že dlje časa trudi ljubiteljem narave predstaviti tako TNP kot tudi sosednje parke.Nockbergi so zanimivo področje - relativno položni hribi, porasli s travo,…


Canon Image Stabilizer (IS)

Some words about Canon Image Stabilizer Lens (IS in short). Other manufactures have similar technology, but with different names (for example: VR (Nikon), OS (Sigma)). Some manufactures use stabilizer in their camera (not in lens). This sounds pretty good while we have stabilizer at capturing with all lenses. Although idea isn’t bad, this stabilization isn’t…



Po dolgem času sem se spet odločil za izlet v Julijce. Iskal sem malo daljšo, vendar ne prestrmo možnost za vroč dan in ideja v glavi se je kmalu porodila - Prehodavci. Da ne bi sam užival lepot divje narave, sem povabil še Boštjana.Ker sva oba precej rani ptici, je bil odhod ob treh zjutraj…


Velika planina

Na Veliki planini sem pogosto - poleti, pozimi, v dežju, snegu, vetru ... peš, s smučmi, kolesom (in priznam, tudi z avtom) in vedno je zanimivo. Pravi zaklad narave. Takole je videti, ko v začetku poletja pade sneg:Kdor se na pot poda iz Stahovice, bo imel večino "hudega" za seboj, ko se pri Pasjih pečeh…


Canon flash system – the simple way

Using Canon flash system (camera and flash) can be a nightmare for someone who don't have at least some basic knowledge.When using Canon flash system you should know two important things:1. Camera meters just ambient light. Ambient light is whatever light comes thru the lens WITHOUT the flash. Whatever you set on camera are for…