Ironkids 2009 v Celovcu

V soparni soboti so v Celovcu tekmovali otroci v akvatlonu. Za organizatorje Ironmana je to čudovita priložnost za preizkus vseh svojih nalog. Če pa ob tem še kaj zaslužijo, pa nič hudega. Celotna tekma je organizirana na visokem nivoju in organizatorji si zaslužijo pohvale. Ob tekmovalnem prostoru je bilo postavljenih tudi nekaj šotorov, kjer so…


Adlerarena pri Beljaku

Obiskali smo Adlerareno na gradu Vajškre (Landskron) nad Beljakom. Slovi po tem, da tam vzgajajo in skrbijo za sokole, orle, jastrebe, sove in druge ptice ujede. Še najbolj zanimiv pa je obisk predstave. Predstava je odlično organizirana - od ozvočenja do prikaza "mojstrovin" različnih ujed. Ptice gojijo pod naravnimi pogoji, hkrati pa sodelujejo v več…


Začetek paše na Veliki planini

V juniju sem bil na Veliki planini kar nekajkrat. Iz različnih izhodišč in v različnih vremenskih razmerah. Kdaj peš iz doline, kdaj z avtom tudi do naselja.Nekaj utrinkov:


150 let šolstva v Tunjicah

Letos v Tunjicah obeležujemo 150-letnico šolstva. Guljenja klopi, veselja in kdaj tudi joka. Ob tej priložnosti je bila včeraj ob šoli prireditev, ki jo je nekoliko pokvaril močan veter. Škoda. Vseeno pa smo videli (in slišali) Tunjiški oktet, igrico otrok tunjiške šole in plesni nastop. Igro starejših pa je prekinilo prej omenjeno poslabšanje vremena. Ko…


Canon 5D mark II vs. Canon 1D (classic) – PART ONE

I made a decision - I bought used Canon 1D (classic). After some days it is time to write down some observations and compare this old monster to 5D mark II.This "battle" will be in two parts - the first one with more writing and second part with more samples.We all know what to expect…


Exposing to the right

Exposing to the right is the technique of pushing histogram to the right side. Why use this technique? Well - it is known that we can get the best results out of the digital image sensor if we use this technique. In old days (with film) photographers underexpose a little to get more saturated photo.…


Canon 5D mark II and flash Canon 580EX

After many readings about issues with 5D mark II and flash, I was a little uncertain when I decide to buy 5D mark II. But I knew that many of users have "problems" with all EOS flashes, not just with 5D mark II. I talked with two who knows how things works and they use…


Canon 5D mark II – user review

After using canon 5D mark II for some days, I can write some more detailed observations. I won’t copy specifications, because you can find them on many web pages. Here will rather be some observations from field.1. Files are really big. Camera can “easily” create files near 40 MB in RAW. Yes you read right.…