Reset data usage on Android

Many users want to clear data usage statistics on their Android. Unfortunately, there is no option in settings. You can change Data Usage Cycle, but this isn't what many users want. After some investigation, I found a solution. If your Android device is rooted, you can reset data usage statistics with removing some files. Simply…


How to sign out on new Skype (Android)?

Skype on my Android has been updated to version 4. Application has been completely redesigned. Skype says it's been "rebuilt from the ground up" to be faster and more reliable. Well, we will see :-)Many user interface changes and speed improvements are welcome, but latest version of Skype has also some clumsiness. One of them…


Jedvovca (Pyramidenkogel)

Za začetek zanimivost - ste vedeli, da ima Vrbsko jezero skoraj toliko obale, kot Slovenija ob morju?Jedvovca (Pyramidenkogel) je izvrstna razgledna točka južno nad Vrbskim jezerom (Wörthersee). Avstrijci so na vrhu Jedvovce že leta 1969 postavili televizijski stolp. Stolp je bil turistična atrakcija, saj je razgled na Koroško res izreden. Sčasoma je stolp postajal nevaren,…


Error RPC:S-5:AEC-0 on Google Android Market

Some days ago, I got an error RPC:S-5:AEC-0 when trying to download or upgrade apps from Google Android Market.I tried many things (clear cache, data, restart, clear Dalvik cache ...), but nothing has worked.On Google support page I found, that I'm not alone with this error. But there was no solution!It is interesting that this…


Mazda CX-5 AWD Attraction

O Mazdi imam že od nekdaj dobro mnenje. Odkar pa si je moja najdražja izbrala Mazdo2, pa sploh. Pred kratkim sem dobil možnost preizkusiti enega od kandidatov za svoje naslednje prevozno sredstvo. To je bila Mazda CX-5 AWD CD-150 Attraction. Avto sem zagrabil za uzde že jeseni na Vranskem, vendar takrat le za nekaj minut.…


Sele (Zell) – slovenska vas v Avstriji

Sele ležijo v čudoviti dolini skoraj tisoč metrov nad morjem. Na jugu dolino omejuje mogočno ostenje Košute. Tistim, ki si še vedno ne predstavljajo lokacije, naj namignem, da so ravno na sredi med Železno Kaplo (da prav je napisano - ni Kaplja, pač pa Kapla) in Borovljami. Hiše so raztresene daleč naokrog po občini, ki…

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Most interesting Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

WIN                           -> switch between Modern Desktop Start screen (Metro) and the last accessed applicationWIN + C                    -> Charms barWIN + Q                    -> App Search screenWIN + F                     -> File Search screenWIN + W                   -> Settings Search screenWIN + X                    -> Windows Tools Menu (Admin Menu)WIN + PrtScn          …