Create chatbot for free and improve your website with SecondEGO

Chatbot (also known as virtual agent) is a program which simulate intelligent conversations with human. The primary reason for using a chatbot is reducing support costs in businesses (customer sevice, helpdesk, artificial intelligence), but it can be fun also, if you will create one for your website. Chatbot with knowledge management is the primary key…


How to Take a Screenshot on your Android?

Almost every week I have to answer to this question.The answer is very simple if you are using Android version 4.0 or above.All you have to do, is press Volume Down and Power buttons at the same time and hold them for a while (maybe second).Volume Down + Power buttons on Nexus 5 (source:…


Nekajdnevno potepanje po Bavarski (tokrat brez avtodoma)

Za nami je nekaj dni potepanj po okolici Münchna. Pravzaprav smo bili enkrat tri dni, potem pa še dva dni. Nič hudega, če smo šli dvakrat - smo bolje spoznali cesto do Münchna. Enkrat smo šli preko Katschberga in Obertauerna. Ne toliko, da bi prihranili, saj je pot kar nekaj daljša, pač pa zato, da…


Ford Mondeo 1.6 Ambiente

Pred kratkim sem imel možnost nekaj dni uporabljati Ford Mondeo. Sledi kratka reportaža o tem avtomobilu. Če se najprej lotimo motorja, je treba povedati, da je 1600 kubičnih centimetrov v tako velikem avtomobilu slabša izbira. Saj ne, da bi bil avto neuporabno počasen, vseeno pa človek pogreša malo več dinamičnosti od motorja. Pri nizkih vrtljajih…


Create your FREE Virtual Agent. Now!

What is Virtual Agent?A Virtual Agent is an automated system that provides answers to customers' questions. It acts as a real-life sales or support agent and improves online customer experience by providing instant help to your website's visitors, its advantages being speed, effectiveness, low costs and trainability.Virtual Agent matches natural language questions with correct answers.The…


Android battery saving tips

Users of modern phones search for tips to improve battery life of their phones. Modern smartphones are phones with small computers under the cover. Battery consumption is high and this is one of main disadvantages of modern phones. Before we list suggestions, you have to check what has been using your battery. Simplest way is…

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