Električni avto – da ali ne – plusi in minusi

Električni avtomobili se tudi na slovenskih cestah pojavljajo vse pogosteje. Še vedno niso prav pogosti, vseeno pa jih lahko vidimo vsak dan. Sam sem se s hibridi družil že večkrat, tokrat pa sem imel prvič priložnost voziti pravo električno vozilo - e-Golf test. Odločil sem se, da nekaj vrstic namenim svojemu pogledu na elektrifikacijo vozil.Finančni…


Questionnaire about Volkswagen emission scandal

Let's check how many of owners have problems with their Volkswagen (Audi, Seat, Škoda). Some owners experienced mechanical problems after software update. Does software fix for dieselgate cars really causing performance and fuel efficiency problems as some drivers say? Loading... I will publish results after some period. Tell your friend to perform this questionnaire. Tnx.UPDATE…


Quick responses in Android (using and editing)

A quick response is one of the most unknown but also very interesting feature on Android smartphones. With this feature, you can reject a call and send a SMS message to the caller without typing. Useful if you want to let someone know that you got their call but can't pick up right now. In…


How To Link To A Facebook Post

Have you ever tried to link a Facebook post? Maybe you want to email a link to post or do something else?How to get a link to a post? It isn't obvious, but it is quite easy if you are keen to this trick.Usually, our post on Facebook looks like this:Under the name, you will…


Peugeot 3008 – slovenski avto leta 2017

Peugeot 3008 je letos postal slovenski in evropski avto leta. Čeprav je zmagal prepričljivo, sem med ljudmi slišal kar nekaj vprašanj, s čim si je to zaslužil. To je bil torej zadosten razlog za preizkus.Povpraševanje po avtu je menda res veliko, zato je bil preizkus močno časovno omejen. Zaradi tega nisem uspel niti preleteti priročnika,…