Virtual Agent SecondEGO – Dashboard/Train/Patterns

This article will explain one of the most important part of SecondEGO - Patterns tab. In this tab we will prepare instructions for chatbot to detect what visitor is asking. If we understand the question, then chatbot can response with right answer. And chatbot conversation is just about that.Article is a little longer, but it…


Virtual Agent SecondEGO – Dashboard/Train/Messages and Dashboard/Train/Templates

Let's start with learning your SecondEGO chatbot. Today we will check two uncomplicated tabs (Train/Messages and Train/Templates).First tab (Messages) is very simple to understand. It contains welcome messages and answers to unrecognized questions.Welcome message appears when chatbot is opened. If your message list is empty, chatbot starts with empty window. Your chatbot will be more…


Paški pastir

Pred kakšnimi petnajstimi leti sem dopustoval na Pagu v Metajni. Dobro se spomnim, da sem s seboj imel star ruski fotoaparat FED-3 in objektiv 50 mm f1.8. V fotoaparatu je bil film Fuji Velvia, ki mi je bil takrat najbolj všeč.Na enem večernih sprehodov sem srečal pastirja Ivana (če se prav spomnim) s katerim sva…


Virtual Agent SecondEGO – Dashboard/Customize/Knowledge

Usually chatbots doesn’t know nothing at the beginning. You have to learn them to answer on visitors’ questions. SecondEGO provides some nice features to help you learning your chatbot. One of them are predefined knowledge modules.In this tab you can select predefined knowledge modules to be used by your Virtual Agent. The number of available…


Best GPS navigation for Android – ratings table

Here is ratings table for Android navigations I have tested. A rating is composed from many factors. The most important factors are: navigation field trial, quality of maps, behavior on the road, user interface...Comparison table is updated every time when I publish a new review. If two or more applications get the same rating, alphabetical…


Virtual Agent SecondEGO – Dashboard/Customize/General

Probably visiting Customize tab will be one of the first thing to do after creating your chatbot with SecondEGO. Here you can change some rudimental characteristics of your chatbot. Let’s see them.1. Name – you can choose any name you wish. There is no limitation, so you can even have two (or more) chatbots with the…


Direct Dial on Android – the fastest way to call someone

Direct Dial feature is one of the best way to call someone. It allows you to directly dial a contact simply by tapping on the shortcut. Without searching for contact, using history... It is really annoying to repeat the same gestures over and over again.Here is a little trick that will help you.1. Long press…