Windows 8.1 – “Boot to desktop” for Metro haters

I wasn't surprised when I find out that Windows 8.1 still boots to the Live Tile (Metro). But now, you can change this behavior by enabling the boot-to-desktop feature. Click on Taskbar and choose Properties. Then go to the "Navigation" tab and select feature "When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, go the…


Potovanje v Švico (kot nagrajenec podjetja Farmedica)

Življenje je polno vzponov in padcev, drobnih in velikih zgodb, prepletanja sreče in nesreče. Tako sem tudi sam ujel srečo za rep.Spomladi sem namreč sodeloval v nagradni igri podjetja Farmedica, ki pri nas zastopa izdelke in širi miselnost Alfreda Vogla. Pri žrebanju sem dobil nagrado - potovanje v Švico (ogled domovanja Alfreda Vogla in podjetja…


View saved WiFi passwords on your Android

Did you forget security key (password) to a wireless network?Do you want to check what password did someone type on your device?What can you do?Described method requires root access.You also need a file explorer with access to root folders. I can recommend ES File Explorer File Manager (really powerful and user friendly app).Open file explorer…


MINI Cooper S ALL4 Countryman

Pred dnevi sem imel možnost preizkusiti zanimivo vozilo: MINI Cooper S ALL4 Countryman. V preizkus ga je ponudilo podjetje A-Cosmos, z namenom razširiti prepoznavnost znamke v Sloveniji. Pred prevzemom me je malo skrbelo, kako je s prostornostjo v omenjenem avtu, saj nimam rad utesnjenosti. V spominu imam modele iz svojega otroštva, ki so bili dobesedno…


Krovstvo mojster Čevka

V teh dneh na naši hiši zaključujemo kar konkreten poseg: menjava strešne kritine, menjava izolacije, vgradnja strešnih oken, namestitev sončnih kolektorjev …Kot vsak človek sem tudi sam doslej imel opravka z mnogimi izvajalci različnih obrtniških del. Med njimi je večina v zlati sredini, najdejo pa se posamezniki, ki odstopajo v negativno ali pozitivno stran. Tokrat…


Get a copy of what you’ve shared on Facebook

You can download your information from Facebook. This includes posts, photos, messages ...The complete list of categories from Facebook data is available here.The procedure is simple and worth to try:1. Click the gear icon at top right of Facebook page and select Account Settings.2. Click General in the left column (usually the page is already…


Reset data usage on Android

Many users want to clear data usage statistics on their Android. Unfortunately, there is no option in settings. You can change Data Usage Cycle, but this isn't what many users want. After some investigation, I found a solution. If your Android device is rooted, you can reset data usage statistics with removing some files. Simply…


How to sign out on new Skype (Android)?

Skype on my Android has been updated to version 4. Application has been completely redesigned. Skype says it's been "rebuilt from the ground up" to be faster and more reliable. Well, we will see :-)Many user interface changes and speed improvements are welcome, but latest version of Skype has also some clumsiness. One of them…