Ubuntu on VirtualBox – screen resolution problem

Over the years, we can read many questions about resolution problems from people who use Ubuntu as a virtual machine. How to solve this kind of problems?Besides Windows, I am using Ubuntu server and there are (of course) no problems with screen resolution. However, from time to time, I install Ubuntu Desktop and I can…

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Phone battery – do not miss these important tips

You can find battery tips on the web, but some of them are old and not up to date. I have collected conclusions from the latest research (for example Battery University, Google...) and for the latest versions of Android. Follow these suggestions for keeping the battery in good condition.   Charging Charging is the most…


Volkswage e-Golf (letnik 2017)

Spet Volkswagen, spet bele barve in spet električen. Ampak tokrat Das Auto - e-Golf. Gre za drugo generacijo električne izvedbe golfa. Dejstvi, da golfa nemški proizvajalec izdeluje že od leta 1974 in da gre za drugi najbolje prodajani model vseh časov, zagotovo postavita zelo visoka pričakovanja.Že prejšnji model, ki sem ga preizkusil spomladi, me je…


Volkswagen e-up! (električno vozilo)

Zadnjih nekaj dni sem imel priložnost svoje poti opravljati z zanimivim avtomobilom. Tokrat je bil to Volkswagen e-up!, ki ima po mojem precej ponesrečeno ime. Skoraj težko verjamem, da današnji mojstri marketinga ne pomislijo na to, da ljudje uporabljajo spletne iskalnike. In iskalnik težko bolj zmedete, kot je to uspelo krstnim botrom pri Volkswagnu. In…


OnePlus 5 – Pros and Cons

OnePlus 5 (photo: https://oneplus.net)After four years with Nexus 5, I have decided to change the phone. Reason - as you can expected -very poor battery life, lack of security patches and the phone becomes quite slow and unresponsive.Price budget for new phone was set to 350-450 EUR and I have read many reviews and tests. At…


Toyota C-HR Hybrid test – hibridni avtomobil

Na področju avtomobilskih motorjev v zadnjih letih poteka prava tekma. Tekma za izbiro pogonskega energenta in posledično razvoj motorja na izbranem področju. Podjetja se je lotevajo zelo različno. Nekateri zelo konservativno in čakajoč odzive trga, spet drugi s ponujanjem inovativnih rešitev, tretji pa z različnimi kombinacijami v pristopu. Trend se jasno (počasi) obrača stran od…


Volkswagen emission scandal – questionnaire results

I have published a questionnaire about Volkswagen emission scandal (VW Abgasskandal) in May. Now is a time to publish results - without judgment.There were 409 responses to all questions until 15th of August 2017. And here are the results:Comments are welcome. Questionnaire is still available.