GPS road navigation – Route 66 Navigate

Previous year I already tested Route 66 Navigate. It left me with a good feelings. Now I decided to test it again and I wasn't disappointed. Even more, my rating for it is very high. Do not hesitate to test it, maybe Route 66 Navigate can become your travel friend. In my eyes Route 66…


GPS road navigation – OsmAnd Maps & Navigation

It is time for another free road navigation. This time I checked OsmAnd Navigation. It is a map and navigation application with access to the free OpenStreetMap data. Almost all functionalities can work online or offline.+ Free OpenStreetMap maps. OpenStreetMap is a project to create free editable map of the whole world. Using OpenStreetMaps means…


GPS Android road navigation – Navigon

Let's go forward with road navigation. I have picked Navigon for today's trip. It looks very promising on paper, but how did it turn out?+ Very good user interface where destination or POI is selected.+ Nice summary of destination/weather/traffic before navigation starts.+ Smooth activity.- Non intuitive switching off voice guidance.- Sticking icons (Enter an address, My…


GPS Android road navigation – Garmin StreetPilot

After I publish navigation review some days ago, I got some questions if I want to test some other applications. I simply can't say no to that kind of questions and I will publish new reviews in next weeks. The first is Garmin StreetPilot.+ Very good maps with individual buildings.+ Pleasant and transparent graphical user…

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Best GPS navigation for Android – ratings table

Here is ratings table for Android navigations I have tested. A rating is composed from many factors. The most important factors are: navigation field trial, quality of maps, behavior on the road, user interface...Comparison table is updated every time when I publish a new review. If two or more applications get the same rating, alphabetical…


Direct Dial on Android – the fastest way to call someone

Direct Dial feature is one of the best way to call someone. It allows you to directly dial a contact simply by tapping on the shortcut. Without searching for contact, using history... It is really annoying to repeat the same gestures over and over again.Here is a little trick that will help you.1. Long press…